Tagged with children

Mango Lessons

Mango Lessons

Question: When is a mango not just a mango? Grenada is coming out of mango season. For about a month, the mango trees around Grenada were heavy laden with fruit. I often met sticky-faced children on the road, already carrying their next two or three mangoes home. Friends, neighbors, coworkers, and “my kids” made sure … Continue reading

Brag Book

Brag Book

I like to think that behind every child is a community of people who are exceptionally proud of his or her achievements. Whether from family, teachers, churches, neighbors, or any others, children need to hear affirmation. They need to know that they are special and loved, just as they are. They need to hear the … Continue reading

An Extraordinary, Ordinary Day

An Extraordinary, Ordinary Day

How was your weekend? Mine was nothing out of the ordinary. Mine was wonderful. When “nothing out of the ordinary” and “wonderful” mean about the same thing, you know you are truly blessed. =) Most Saturdays for me look something like this: laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, time with friends, and pan practice, or some … Continue reading